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able-giftedTerry Caffrey y3+4 writing Spr 2023

Pictured about are our KS2 pupils participating in various writing workshops run by well known authors.

IMG_6358 More Able workshop

Provision at Newton Primary School

We provide opportunities for the most able pupils (the gifted and talented) to work at an appropriate level and pace, in order to realise their potential. We support the development of the whole child, whilst valuing and celebrating all the special abilities displayed by all children. However, we believe that some children have special abilities and talents and that nurturing these is our responsibility. Our Gifted & Talented Coordinator therefore has special responsibility for co-ordinating identification and provision for our most able children:


We aim to:

  • Recognise and support the abilities, personal qualities and talents of all pupils.
  • Promote a sense of enjoyment and excitement in learning and a culture of high expectation for all pupils.
  • Provide challenge for all, including the most able, employing a range of teaching methods which encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Develop a recognition and awareness of able pupils and their individual strengths.
  • Ensure that all teachers share responsibility for the monitoring of pupils, including the most able.
  • Recognise under-achievement and seek to remove any barriers to learning.
  • Provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their strengths through high quality extra-curricular activities and curriculum enrichment, including specific provision for able pupils.
  • Consider the personal, social and emotional needs of all pupils, including those of our most able.
  • Work in partnership with parents to maximise the opportunities for pupils’ to reach their potential.
  • Celebrate the achievements of all pupils.
  • Use national standards to regularly review our provision for the more able.

What opportunities do we provide?

During each school year, we host a range of workshops for our more able pupils which cover writing, math and more recently, science across both key stages.  These are run by leading experts including mathematics specialists and published writers and poets.  Parents are informed of their child's participation before any event.

In addition, children are provided with extra challenge tasks within their normal day to day lessons to ensure they reach their full potential. 



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Upcoming Events 2023-24:

  • 10th October - Year 3/4 More Able Maths workshop with Sharon Day
  • 5th December - Year 5/6 More Able Writing workshop with Colin Parsons
  • 9th February-  Year 3/4 More Able Writing workshop with Damian Harvey
  • 23rd April - Year 5/6 More Able Maths workshop with Pete Hall
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