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Miss Finemore & Mrs Girvan

TAs: Mrs Jones, Mrs Mears and Mrs Dymond

Welcome to our Year 3 page. Here you will find some information about our curriculum and class expectations. Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun themes.

Year 3 Curriculum

Where possible, we try to teach our subjects through a cross-curricular approach. At the bottom of this page, you can find our Year 3 long term plan which outlines the topics we will be covering across the year.

Year 3 Information


In year 3, outdoor games takes place on a Thursday and indoor PE takes place on a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct kit on these days.


We expect your child to read at home every night.  Please ensure that you sign their reading record at least once a week so that they can be given their reading stars. In Year 3 we encourage children to take more ownership for their reading choices so they can fill in their own reading records for the rest of the week.

Mad Minutes 

Children will be given a specific times table to learn each week, which they will be tested on.  They will have two minutes to complete 60 questions.  They will need to receive 48/60 to move on to the next times table or improve on 3 consecutive occasions. Their progress will be recorded on the class ‘Mad Minute’ ladder and we encourage you to practise times tables regularly.  Websites such as Timetables Rockstars are great for this.

Homework diaries 

Children are given homework diaries that are used on a weekly basis.  Children will be given time to record their homework or any clubs, events and notices in their diaries. These are sent home for the weekend then returned. We see these as a way of communicating with parents and it enables the children take more ownership of their school experience. 


Homework will be given out each Friday and due in the following Wednesday. This will consist of a Maths task set online using Mymaths alternating with an English task set via Seesaw. Once per half term, the children will be given a Learning Log task which they will have 3 weeks to complete. This will link in with a topic we are covering in class and will allow the children to be creative and make cross-curricular links.

Weekly spelling lists and sentences

These will be given out at the end of the week and tested the following Friday.  They will contain 10 words relating to a particular spelling group/strategy linking to the spelling curriculum.  Children will be expected to learn all spellings.  When tested we will select 5 words to be spelt individually and 5 to be included in dictated sentences.  Children will be marked on punctuation and spelling in the dictated sentences. The children are encouraged to make use of spelling frame to practise their weekly lists.


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